A Celebration of Learning: Engaging Families Inside and Out!

One of the things I enjoy most about my job are the endless opportunities I have to celebrate and involve not only my students, but their families.  Family engagement is very important for all students and their success in school.  I continue to try to find ways for my families to not only engage, but also celebrate the wonderful learning that is transpiring daily inside and outside of Kindergarten.unnamed

Learning is really an amazing opportunity to involve and engage others around you.  Through our ability to connect, share and reflect what we understand we not only develop a deeper meaning of what we are learning, but we also get excited and want to share.  When we share our thinking is challenged and we are inspired by others feedback. Celebrating school, learning and each other is so much fun and inspiring.  Just simply highlighting an idea on a blog, using Twitter to “tweet” an idea can bring lots of feedback.

This morning we had our first celebration of learning.  It was wonderful!  Watching families engage and connect with their child and their learning is such a gift.  I appreciated all the support that my families offered ahead of time in helping me set up a breakfast buffet and also their commitment to attending and being present and sharing with their child and other families. One of my parents was not able to attend so the family used FaceTime on their phone to connect.  One of my students was able to share her work virtually, in a face to face way using a phone!  This is an example of how we , as educators must continue to think about creative ways to engage our parents.  They want to be a part of their child’s learning.  Technology can help make this happen! DSCF4582

Connecting and developing positive relationships is really important as an educator.  This is always my first priority when I begin each year. The relationships I develop are important and critical for the success of each of my students.  Parents need to feel engaged and also a part of their child’s daily life in school.  As an educator I have found many synchronous and asynchronous tools that can help with this.  Recently one of my students visited an aquarium and was able to post photographs of the different sea animals he saw.  This was an opportunity for a family to connect and share a learning experience outside of Kindergarten.  When the student had an opportunity to share he was able to articulate what he saw and facilitate questions that other students had.  Later on another student was able to post a compliment on his Kidblog. This is so motivating for students.  unnamed-4They want to connect and respond when others recognize their efforts and discoveries.

I continue to think of ways that I can connect with my students, their families and extended families.  Through our connection we develop positive relationships that support learning for their child.  I am grateful to have so many technological tools to begin to demonstrate alongside my families and their children how technology can be used in meaningful ways to engage, enhance and enrich their child’s education. Bringing families together to celebrate and connect is what is important. Learning is for everyone.  How are you engaging your students, families and extended families?





12 responses to “A Celebration of Learning: Engaging Families Inside and Out!

  1. This is inspirational, Sharon. It is a model for all teachers. Parents (and grandparents, too) are so eager to know what goes on in their child’s classroom and to share in the learning. I will post it on my “Good Ideas About Learning” Scoopit board.


  2. Hi Sharon, my name is Kela and I am in EDM310 at the University of South Alabama. I love your mindset and goal for getting families engaged. I think what you are doing is awesome and I am sure your students do as well. This is certainly a desire that I will pursue as a future elementary school teacher.


  3. Hey Sharon! I’m Madeline Files, and I am a student at the University of South Alabama. I love the idea of getting the family involved! I hope to do this in my future classroom!


  4. Hello Sharon! My name is Kimberly Smith and I am a student at the University on South Alabama. I am a parent of a Kindergartener and I try and volunteer my time to helping as much as I can. Thanks for sharing. I am hoping to have a lot of parent involvement when I have my own classroom.


  5. Sharon Davison,
    My name is Julie Jones and I attend the University of South Alabama. I chose you as the teacher whose blog I would comment on for this weeks assignment. I really enjoyed reading your blog. I am not yet an educator, but I am already looking into ideas for keeping parents involved in the classroom. Have you seen the app ‘homeroom’ ? You should check it out. I love that you have a celebration of learning day. That is such a great idea. I will try to use that in my future classroom. Thanks for the great idea!
    Julie Jones
    Check out my blog!


    • Thanks so much for reading. I have not heard of the app, but will check it out. A big part of our work as educators is to connect and include all families alongside us as we learn and work together. Best of luck to you!


  6. Mrs. Davison,
    My name is Ashlyn Hubbard, and I am an EDM 310 student at the University of South Alabama. I am hoping to one day teach Kindergarten, so this blog was really helpful to me. I think it is very important to involve the family because it keeps them updated with what is going on in the classroom and be able to see the wonderful things their kids are doing!


  7. Sabrina Stapleton

    Hi Mrs. Davison,
    This is my last post I will be making on your blog for class, but I will continue to follow you for sure. Your posts are extremely insightful and useful for those of us getting ready to be teachers ourselves. You have a great way of looking outside the box and making learning fun. Thank you for having the time to blog about your daily learning/teaching experiences! As far as this blog goes, I agree with you 100%. Children need to have their parents involved in their learning so that it is an all around experience and not just an at school one. I love the way you used Face Time with your one student also! What a great idea to keep that student from feeling left out!


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